Dear Friends,
It's official! This past Sunday afternoon (22 Kislev, 5772) Melanie Harris and I became engaged! I'm most certainly the happiest guy in the world!
And my kallah? With what words can I describe her? She's the most amazing woman I've ever met. I couldn't possibly ask Hashem for anything more. The more I get to know her, the more I want to know her, and the more I see there is to know. Her neshama shines forth like the hidden light of creation, facilitating relationship and connection with all of Hashem's works. Clearly, I'm also the most fortunate man in the world.
Melanie and I are so joyous and grateful.
We're grateful to Hashem, of course. We hope to build a bayit ne'eman b'Yisrael that helps us become worthy of Hashem's extraordinary kindness to us.
We're especially grateful to our shadchan, Lori Palatnik, and to Aish HaTorah. How else might Lori and I have met, if not on an Aish mission to Eretz Yisrael?
And while we weren't yet ready for one another several years ago when Hollie Karr first introduced us, Hollie also gets chizuk for being totally on target. Her navua was just a little ahead of Melanie and I!
Last, but by no means least, we can never repay the love, nurturing, support, teachings, and steadfastness of our family, friends, colleagues, teachers, rebbeim, and others, who have given us so much throughout the years. But stop us from trying! May we give to others at least what has been so generously given to us.
Melanie and I are planning a March chasunah in New York.
B"H, the best is yet to come!
--Brian, a.k.a, "The Happiest Guy in the World!"
B"H - B'ezrat Hashem, "With G-d's Help."
Bayit Ne'eman b'Yisrael - Torah home.
Chasunah - Wedding.
Chizuk - Encouragement.
Eretz Yisrael - The land of Israel.
Hashem - G-d.
Kallah - Bride.
Navua - Prophecy.
Neshama - Human soul.
Rebbeim - Rabbis.
Shadchan - Matchmaker.