Thursday, February 25, 2021

Happy Purim - 5781!



Open 24/7!
Purim 5781

Difficulties of the magnitude we have faced this year are not unique.
For an example, into the Megillah let us peek:

There was a pandemic of a different sort,
One of internal disconnection, which we needed to thwart.
Unlike now, we were not physically separated.
Rather, we were spiritually distant–a situation which we ourselves created.

We learn from the Megillah how to navigate the challenges of today,
by utilizing prayer, the most powerful pathway.

What we needed most was prayer, a megadose;
To HaShem we needed to become very close.

When Mordechai learned of Haman's plan he sounded a great, bitter wail,
a form of tefillah that works without fail!

He prayed to HaShem: Not because of my pride did I refuse to bow down;
Out of my awe for You, I would not prostrate to anyone, let alone the likes of Haman, that clown!

Then Mordechai gathered the children, 22,000 of them.
For three days and nights they fasted and cried out to HaShem.

Their cries sounded like the bleating of young lambs and goats, and straight to Shamayim did soar.
HaShem was moved to mercy, and His decrees He tore.

Esther fasted for three days amidst intense despair;
Like Mordechai and the children, she dressed in sackcloth and poured our her heart in prayer.
She supplicated: Father of orphans, please help your Your maidservant who has no father or mother;
I seek Your mercy, for You are the Only One who can save us. You and No Other!

Esther also declared a communal fast which ultimately helped forestall
Haman's plans to destroy us, thus demonstrating the power of the Klal.
Stronger together than alone we could ever be,
HaShem is favorable to our tefillos when we have unity!

Our Brachas to you, dear reader:
May you take advantage of this auspicious day,
and make time to pause and to pray.

The Gates of Prayer never close. They are open 24/7.
HaShem eagerly awaits your tefillos, up in Heaven!

No matter the challenge, remember your task.
Stay connected to HaShem. Don't keep your distance. Drop the mask!

From each other and from our Father in Heaven may you never feel apart,
and may HaShem answer your tefillos l'tovah, all that are in your heart!

Wishing You a Freilichen Purim!
Masha (Melanie) and Baruch (Brian) Levine