Purim 5782
In the Purim story it is clear that from Above salvation did abound.
Now let us explore how this was brought about from actions on the ground.
After Haman's deal with King A, our situation was indeed grim.
Our chances of survival seemed statistically quite slim.
During this dark time, little did we know,
that a chain of events leading to our deliverance had already begun unfolding below.
(Through difficulties, what helps us endure
is remembering that "before the illness, HaShem always prepares the cure.")
Just before Haman's rise, Bigsan and Seresh got mad and plotted to take out King A.
Unbeknownst to them, Mordechai overheard, and this intel to Esther he did relay.
Esther HaMalka was humble; she did not seek fame.
She did not fumble; she told it to King A in Mordechai's name. (1)
Fast forward past Haman's plan and our fasting and weeping;
Esther held a feast, Haman built a gallows, and King A had trouble sleeping.
King A finally bestowed honor upon Mordechai for his act of goodwill,
and Haman's good fortune started heading downhill.
At the second winefest, Esther told all,
And from the gallows built for Mordechai, Haman did fall.
Thus ultimately, HaShem overturned the harsh decree.
When we look back and review the events, we clearly see
that the pathway to our redemption, the critical key,
started with Esther HaMalka's understanding "It's not about me." (1)
Given the great import of giving credit to another, then all the more so, of course,
we learn the larger lesson of giving credit for everything we have to THE ONE AND ONLY SOURCE. (2)
Let us learn from Esther HaMalka's humility and remember the Torah way:
To give credit to HaShem for the innumerable blessings He bestows upon us each and every day. (2)
Our bracha to you, dear reader:
May you give credit where credit is due,
so that like Esther HaMalka, you can help bring about salvation too!
And always remember, never forget, how much HaShem loves you!
Wishing You a Freilichen Purim!
Masha (Melanie) and Baruch (Brian) Levine
(1) Pirke Avos Chapter 6, Mishna 6:
"...repeating a saying in the name of the one who said it. For you have learned this: Whoever repeats a thing in the name of the one
who said it brings redemption to the world, as it is said: 'and Esther said to the king in the name of Mordechai.' "
(2) Coopersmith, R Nechemia, Simmons, R Shraga (2017). "Giving Credit Where Credit is Due." In Rabbi Noach Weinberg's 48 Ways to Wisdom (pp. 267-271). The Shaar Press. (For the record: We thought of the title of this poem independently, before reading this chapter!)